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mufti hanif qureshi vs engineer muhammad ali mirza

Mufti Hanif Qureshi Reaches Jhelum To Do Munazra With Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza | Owais Rabbani also Reached Quran o Sunnat Academy on 26th November – Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza vs Mufti Hanif Qureshi

Background of Munazra Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza vs Mufti Hanif Qureshi

Owais Rabbani, who is an anchor on GTV Network, said month ago that he will sit with Mufti Hanif Qureshi in front of Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza and have a debate between them and I myself will act as 3rd Person . I will sit as an anchor and as a third person so as not to create any mischief but despite the fact that he announced in the videos that on 26 November I will sit with Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza and will do a Debate between both of these scholors. Despite this, Engineer Muhammad Al-Mirza denied many times before 26 November, that I have nothing to do with it. From videos of both Owais Rabbani and Hanif Qureshi that they were uploading on their channel they both confirmed that they will go on 26th November to Have Munazra (Debate) with Ali Mirza .Because according to them engineer Muhammad Mirza talks non sense about their elders, who are our saints and are very respectful Personalities in the eyes Of People and us.

Owais Rabbani with Hanif Qureshi in Jhelum for Engineer “Muhammad Ali Mirza vs Mufti Hanif Qureshi” Munazra

Owais Rabbani Kept Making Videos on Munazra “Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza vs Mufti Hanif Qureshi”

Owais Rabbani Kept reminding that He and Mufti Saab will come because Ali Mirza talk about their elders while sitting in a closed room and according to Owais Rabbani, Engineer Mirza sit in a closed room and talk and make challenges, but don’t do debate(munazra,mubahisa) in which a person has to sit face to face and Talk on The Given Topic . Meanwhile On the Otherhand Ali Mirza Refused And Said Many Times That He Didn’t Have Anything To Do With this Munazra on 26th November .

PC : Owais Rabbani Youtube Channel

Hanif Qureshi and Owais Rabbani Reached Jhelum : 

Today, on 26th November, Owais Rabbani reached Jhelum. Alongside with Mufti Hanif Qureshi, but at the same time, the whole Matter happened, the result was that the engineer Ali Mirza did not sit in front and Hanif Qureshi and Owais Rabbani were standing right in front of their academy. They made videos and made many videos in which He repeatedly said that we will go, we want to talk, but Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza Didn’t Gave A Positive Response For Ilmi Debate or Munazra named “Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza vs Mufti Hanif Qureshi”

Engineer Ali Mirza Remained On His Stance to not Do Munazra With Mufti Hanif

There was no positive response from Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza, he did not sit in front of Mufti and this situation also took the Same Path as the Situation took when Mufti Tariq Masood went Jhelum To Meet Ali Mirza and Have Debate With him . Despite the Fact that Engineer Ali Mirza’s Academy opens only On Sunday of every week Tariq Masood didn’t Came in Sunday but this Time Hanif Qureshi Came Jhelum on Sunday November 26 !

Engineer Ali Mirza Previously Said that He Has Nothing to do with 26th November | PC : Shahid & Bilal YT Channel

An Academy Member Chat with Mufti Hanif Qureshi

Mufti Hanif Qureshi with Jhelum Academy Member

There was a demand of many people that engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza should not debate, He should only sit down with Mufti Sahib and have a talk and give a message. One of the members of the management of the academy met Mufti Sahib. Yes, there is a video of Mufti Sahib on His YouTube channel, in which the management, who was a member of the academy, came and gave an order to Mufti Sahib that he should put the cameras away or the cameras. Will give you later or similar things were going on in which they were saying that you should go up to the academy and according to whatever Ali Mirza decides to do with you, we will go ahead whatever the whole scene Goes. They will do it, Now looking at this offer, it is proved that Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza conveyed a message on his behalf that you should sit with him, we will talk, don’t debate, only have a talk about what is the Problem. Now why didn’t Hanif Qureshi went inside the Jhelum Academy and why didn’t he sit with the engineer, this is a big question !

Quran & Sunat Jhelum Academy Member Invites Mufti Hanif To Come inside Academy

Public session in Quran o Sunnat Academy was Going on When Mufti Hanif came : 

Engineer Muhammad was at the academy, and the teaching was going on at the same time in Jhelum Academy named Quran o Sunnat Academy. Anchor and Mufti Hanif Qureshi reached Jhelum Academy and it was proved that they Wanted a Debate with Mirza but Ali Mirza Sent a Message which DSP Jhelum Conveyed to Owais Rabbani That He Didn’t Want To Sit With Hanif Qureshi and Have a Munazra . Note: DSP Claims they He Conveyed Ali Mirza’s Message , this is Not Exact Listened From The Tongue Of Ali Mirza .

DSP Police conveys Ali Mirza’s Message to Hanif Qureshi

Why Ali Mirza Don’t Sit With Scholors and Mufti Hazarat 

The simple reason why Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza does not sit is that Engineer has said many times before that whoever wants to sit with me, any Mufti, any Maulana, any scholar wants to sit with me. Write to him who is the greatest servant of this sect that the victory of this servant in the debate is the victory of my sect and the defeat of this servant is the defeat of my sect. Hanif Qureshi was supposed to write to Mufti Muneeb Sahib (head of Brelvi Firqa) but he did not write it. It was a huge responsibility that Mufti Hanif Qureshi did not fulfill.

Public Response, Ali Mirza’s Students Response

Seeing this issue, the reaction of the students of the engineer was such that there were two types of reactions, one was saying that the engineer should have sat down and this was a wrong move on the part of the Engineer. But other people were saying that Engineer Sahib not sitting with Mufti Sahib does not make any difference to his teachings which he teaches us. It doesn’t matter Because We Follow Ali Mirza for the reason that He teach Islam According to what is Written in Quran and Sunnah.


Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza vs. Mufti Hanif Qureshi, the essence of this controversy is that the engineer stick to his stance, which was his stance from the day first, that any Mufti or Maulana who wants to meet him should bring written Statement from the Head of Their Firqa Mufti or Maulana, and as Mufti Hanif didn’t bring the written statement, Engineer Mirza did not sat with him and there was no debate or Munzara .

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